What is the Best Position for Prostate Massage?

What is the best position for prostate massage? It seems that everyone has an opinion on this and the answers vary greatly. Some of the recommendations include:
- Laying in the fetal position with your knees bent
- Flat on your back
- On your knees laying over the bed or an ottoman
- On your your stomach
- Standing or walking
- Butt in the air aka “doggy style”
We get this question all the time from our readers. In my opinion the answer to this is simple, it depends. Just kidding!
From my own experience the best position is sitting in a chair, leaning back with your hips slightly tilted forward.
This position is great because it gives you access to your anus so you can easily change toys and their position. You will also be able to easily stroke your penis while masturbating while controlling the amount of pressure the toy puts on your prostate. Some people will say that during prostate massage you should not touch your penis. I disagree with this approach completely. Stroking your penis feels so good when you have a massager inserted in this position! On the down stroke the toy places just the right amount of pressure on your prostate which makes masturbating feel so good that you will wonder why you ever did it without a massager.
I also love this position of leaning back in a chair because it lets me enjoy some of favorite “adult entertainment” while masturbating and massaging my prostate all at the same time.
You should note: You do not want to sit directly on top of a massager as this can be highly uncomfortable depending on the handle on the toy. You will want to lean back so that your anus is accessible. In other words you should not be sitting on your anus, it should be slightly elevated.
So go ahead and give this position a try. It is hard to explain how great orgasms can feel when sitting in this position. I have cum so hard doing this that I thought my head was going to explode. However I can’t stress enough how important getting the right chair for masturbation is.
I sit in a DX Racer Racing Series Chair when I am massaging my prostate and masturbating. I don’t typically do hands free and I am mostly focused on penis stimulation while inserting a prostate massager or buttplug. This chair is very comfortable and highly configurable. When leaning back the prostate massager hits the prostate at just the right angle. Buttplugs also feel amazing in this chair when I am feeling adventurous. This chair allows you to lean back easily and put the arm rests at a height and angle that are just right for you. You can comfortably sit in this chair for hours without your back hurting or your elbows or wrists getting tired.

The DXRacer Racing Series Chair